With work experience as an HR professional and entrepreneur under her belt, Rose Rauch brings a wide skillset to the role of mortgage lender. Her communication style, empathy and business sense make her a valuable asset as she grows her list of satisfied customers.
“Hands down, the strongest part of my skillset is the service side of things, being able to connect with people,” she said. “I’ve always been able to connect with people on an individual level. Before I went into the recruiting world and before I owned my own business, I worked in manufacturing and the restaurant business. I was an entry level employee and I haven’t lost that perspective.”
“As I climbed the corporate ladder in human resources, it was amazing how many times I got the comment, ‘Well, you’re not normal corporate.’ I really try to connect with people on all levels and I honestly think that’s my greatest asset and will help me succeed with Rock Mortgage.”
As Rauch likes to say, she didn’t find mortgage lending, mortgage lending found her. A close friend in the real estate business had experience working alongside Rock Mortgage and convinced Rauch to give it a serious look
“I’d already done a lot research relating to the area because, being in HR at the time, I needed to network in order to know the area and identify quality potential hires,” she said. “So, I’d already done a lot of legwork to meet people in the community. This includes making some really strong realtor connections.”
“I’m a risk-taker by nature. When I started my business, I was a server looking to take out a couple of loans. I was told no, but I just decided that wasn’t going to stop me. It was very difficult and challenging, but I found a way to do it. Well, for me it’s the same thing here. I’m going into this as my business and I’m very determined to succeed on behalf of my customers.”
Rauch, who is opening Rock Mortgage’s Gulf Shores office, had recently moved to the area from another part of the country. She said that’s also a plus, given the high number of fellow transplants who live in, or are looking to move to, the area.
“A lot of our area is not made up of locals, they’re transplants just like myself and they need to have the ability to get in and meet the right people who understand what they’re going through in trying to get connected,” she said. “I know what that’s like.”
Rauch said she made the jump to Rock Mortgage specifically on the strength of the company’s reputation, starting with the Tuscaloosa office where her training began. There, she found help and support preparing her to take her new market by storm.
“Honestly, the camaraderie has been amazing,” she said. “Everybody’s in this together. It’s not merely fending for yourself. All the way through, people have been amazing, checking on me, making sure I’m not getting lost in all of the new information.”
“When I walked in here the first day, there were none of the nerves you usually get the first day on the job. God leads you on all the paths you’re supposed to go – sometimes you find them and sometimes they just happen and you can’t go the other way. That’s what happened here.”